We provide the following services by use of our patent-registered procedure 

for the standardized dark field microscopic analysis of uncolered objects,


Sample preparation

  • Standardized and reproducible preparation of solved particles with a mean diameter between 0.5 an 50 µm.
  • Minimal amount of sample needed (10 µl per examination, about 1 ml for a series of examinations)

Are you interested in our scientifically proven solution for the standardized and reproducible

preparation of samples for the darkfield microscopic examination?

Please contact us at preparation[@]myplatelets.info

Dark-field Microscopy

  • Standardized, robotic, flash-light, high resolution dark field microscopy from 30 specified locations of the specimen at different timepoints after preparation (e.g. 0, 6, 12, 24, 48 hours after preparation)
  • Maximum lateral resoultion by the use of 100-fold oil immersion objectives with a maximal numerical aperture of 1,40
  • Maximum contrast by the use of flash light microscopy and 540 nm wavelength filter 
  • Standardized timelapse dark field microscopy at 1000-fold maginification for up to 72 hours
  • Inverted darkfield microscopy at maximum 400-fold magnification

Are you interested in our patented solution for the user independent

and automated dark field microscopic examination? 

Please contact us at microscopy[@]myplatelets.info

Digital Imaging and image analysis

  • All microscopic examinations are continuously digitally monitored  by the use of specialized high quality digital imaging equipment.
  • Images are automatically analysed by the use of our specially developped GROUP-it toolkitthe Grünwald Remagen Opensource Unified Platelet  Identification Tracker 

Are you interested in our specialized software toolkit for the identification and tracking of particles 

on dark field microscopic images

Please contact us at imaging[@]myplatelets.info 

Statistical analysis

  • Statistical analysis of the quantitative morphometric data from the logarithmic image analysis using the GROUP-it toolkit is peformed  by script-based use of the statistical software package R.


Are you interested in our specialized scripts for the analysis of morphometric data

for the open source software package R

Please contact us at statistics@myplatelets.info




Our system is especially suited for the analysis of solved colored or colorless particles

with a mean diameter from 0,5 to 50 (best 1 to 10) µm.

We can image, count and morphometrical charcaterize such particles one-to-one on a per particle basis.

Each single particle can be identified and morphometrically charcterized.




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Copyright (c) myPLATELETS.INFO (2016) Dr. Dr. Max-Joseph Kraus


