Journal Publications

Max-Joseph Kraus, Jan Seifert, Erwin F. Strasser, Meinrad Gawaz,Tilman E. Schäffer & Johannes Rheinlaender: Comparative morphology analysis of live blood platelets using scanning ion conductance and robotic dark-field microscopyPlatelets 2016, Volume 0, Issue 0, Pages 1-6   

Max-Joseph Kraus, Erwin F. Strasser, Heiko Neeb: Automated microscopy for the standardized and reproducible quantitative morphometry of platelet shapeFractal Geometry and Nonlinear Anal in Med and Biol 1: doi: 10.15761/FGNAMB.1000106

Max-Joseph Kraus, Heiko Neeb, Erwin F. Strasser: Fractal and Euclidean descriptors of platelet shape. Platelets 11/2013; DOI:10.3109/09537104.2013.842639

Max-Joseph Kraus, Erwin F. Strasser, Reinhold Eckstein: A New Method for Measuring the Dynamic Shape Change of Platelets. Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy 09/2010; 37(5):306-310. DOI:10.1159/000320723


Max-Joseph Kraus: A standardizable method to document and quantify the heterogeneity and dynamics of platelet shape change reaction. Erlangen. 2012


Max-Joseph Kraus: Messung der Dynamik der Änderungen von Blutplättchen. Patent DE102009059274.. Year: 01/2011

Conference Proceedings

Heiko Neeb, Max-Joseph Kraus, Erwin Strasser,Peter Bugert: Multivariate Analysis of Platelet Shape, Blood-, Aggregation- and Flow Cytometry-Markers Reveals Difference Between Controls, Early and Late Onset Alzheimers Disease. GTH 2018, Vienna, 02/2018

Max-Joseph Kraus, Heiko Neeb, Erwin Strasser: ACD vs. sodium-citrate as an anticoagulant for platelet rich plasma (PRP) preparation influences the extent of platelet shape change during spreading - quantitative morphometric data from standardized robotic darkfield microscopy. GTH 2018, Vienna, 02/2018

Katharina von Bargen, Max-Joseph Kraus, Erwin Strasser, G. Kappert, Christina Brandenburger, F. Knüttgen, T. Flieder, A. Hohbein, C. Knabbe, Ingvild Birschmann: Intramolecular disulfide bond disruption by a novel Cys to Trp mutation in the integrin β3 of a GT patient. GTH 2018, Vienna, 02/2018 

Max-Joseph Kraus, Svenja Grieger, Heiko Neeb, Erwin Strasser: Development of a robotic microscope system for the automated morphometry of blood platelets - first results from the examination of calibration beads. GTH 2015, Düsseldorf; 02/2015

Heiko Neeb, Svenja Grieger, Kevin Luxem, Erwin F Strasser, Max-Joseph Kraus: Active or Not -Machine-learning based Prediction of Platelet Activation. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2014, WCECS 2014, San Francisco; 10/2014

Max-Joseph Kraus, Erwin Strasser, Heiko Neeb: GTH 2014, Vienna, Poster: Automated morphometry of single platelets allows for the monitoring and quantification of the entire platelet shape change process. 58th Annual Meeting of the GTH (Gesellschaft für Thrombose und Hämostase), Vienna; 02/2014

Max-Joseph Kraus, Heiko Neeb, Erwin Strasser: GTH 2014; Vienna, Poster: The automated morphometry of single platelets allows for the differentiation of platelets activated with ADP or TRAP. 58th Annual Meeting of the GTH (Gesellschaft für Thrombose und Hämostase); 02/2014

Svenja Grieger, Max-Joseph Kraus, Erwin F. Strasser, Heiko Neeb: The Reliability of Automated Morphometric Measurements of Platelet Shape. 58th Annual Meeting Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Reasearch, Vienna; 02/2014

Max-Joseph Kraus, Neeb, Heiko Strasser Erwin F: FRACTAL AND EUCLIDEAN DESCRIPTORS OF PLATELET SHAPE. XXIV ISTH Congress 2013 Amsterdam, Amsterdam; 07/2013

Max-Joseph Kraus, Erwin F. Strasser: The fractal dimension of shape changed platelets. GTH 2013; 02/2013

Max-Joseph Kraus, Erwin F. Strasser: Microparticle detection in platelet culture using darkfield light microscopy. GTH 2012; 02/2012

Max-Joseph Kraus, Erwin F. Strasser: New Method for measuring the dynamic of platelet shape change. GTH 2010; 02/2010


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