Dr. Dr. Max-Joseph Kraus

Max-Joseph Kraus is an expert in medicine and medical informatics and he received a doctorate from the Erlangen medical university on the topic: "A standardizable method to document and quantify the heterogeneity and dynamics of platelet shape change reaction". He runs our research lab on blood platelet shape change in Munich and he is member of the Institute for Medical Engineering and Information Processing (MTI) at the University of Koblenz/Landau. He is a driving force of our research on the reproducible documentation and exact mathematical description of platelet shape change and it's dynamics.



Prof. Dr. Heiko Neeb

Heiko Neeb is Professor for medical physics and infomatics at the RheinAhrCampus of the University of Applied Science Koblenz and he is member of the Institute for Medical Engineering and Information Processing (MTI) at the University of Koblenz/Landau. He joined the platelets research group in 2010. His research focusses on the development of the image analysis and processing algorithms underlying the GROUP-IT software application. Furthermore, supervised machine learning tools for the analysis of pseudopods and for the prediction of platelet activation were developed by Heiko Neeb.


Prof. Dr. Erwin Strasser

Erwin F. Strasser is an expert in Transfusion Medicine and Haemostaseology at the University Hospital of Erlangen (Germany). Since many years he is head of the hemostasis lab of the University hospital investigating platelets, its activation and shape change. Based on observations in the 1960s, the shape change may be associated with platelet specific disorders and metabolic or inflammatory diseases. Step by step he founded this working group to investigate this topic in depth collaborating with Dr. Dr. Max Kraus and Prof. Neeb of the University of Applied Science in Koblenz.



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